Up to 134 million americans will hit the stores by this sunday!
Our economy is still sluggish at the moment with a double digit unemployment, most people are just happy to be still working. This year I'm more focused and even more determined to save money and spend more accordingly.
If I don't need it why buy it? I might want it, but do I really need it? I haven't even bought a cd for a long time.. What's the point when music is too watered down! I need more flavor in my drink ya dig!? Anyways remember when I told you guys that I went to Best Buy to wait in line for the Black Friday Sales? Well folks..we now have two new laptops! Waiting there kinda sucked but it was well worth it..I guess good things come to those who wait..that's it for now, more new blogs coming soon!
A blog site about everything and anything dope and fresh and sometimes maybe even disturbing..all bets are off!
Friday, November 27, 2009
"Black Friday Special"
Damn I've never once in my life thought that I would be waiting in line in front of a Best Buy to satisfy my need for a new product,such as a new laptop or a new camera. But guess what? Yupp I'm here with my chair and a blanket cuz its freezing balls out here! But I do need a new laptop.. And in order to receive I must give..(No homo)
Hopefully this is all worth it in the end!
I will keep you posted if I do get a new laptop.. for now enjoy the comforts of your home while I sit here in 30 degree weather waiting ..
Peace ..
Hopefully this is all worth it in the end!
I will keep you posted if I do get a new laptop.. for now enjoy the comforts of your home while I sit here in 30 degree weather waiting ..
Peace ..
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
"WoW! What a day.."
Well I sure had a long day today! I'm about to knock the fuck out right now. As soon as I got off work, I get a call from my girl as she's crying on the phone telling me that she just got in a car accident! A fricken bus side swipes her driver side! Yes I said a BUS!!!! I was really scared because she is also 8 months pregnant with our son. But thank God my girl and our baby wasn't harmed. She was a bit shakin up, but who wouldn't be after a BIG ass BUS hits your little ass civic!!!! But like a warrior she kept her composure. She even drove her self back home as she followed me on the freeway! She's tough dude!!!! And that's why I love her..
Today I learned that life throws un-expected things at you with a blink of an eye. Even if you get into an arguement with your significant other that very same day,always make sure to let them know that you love them before you walk out that door.
Today I learned that life throws un-expected things at you with a blink of an eye. Even if you get into an arguement with your significant other that very same day,always make sure to let them know that you love them before you walk out that door.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
"Summer's gone too soon.."
Well its almost that time to bust out those old Christmas lights again! Tis the season for a little change.. Actually a big change,well at least for me because my baby is due December 18th.Yay Merry Christmas to me.. Our little bundle of joy is almost here! Damn time fly's by when your having fun! Just like it did with the summer season,(Dear Summer..see you next year.)
We just got done eating at Bob's Pizza in Murrieta. I ordered a Chipotle chicken pizza. It was pretty damn good! That was our first time eating there, we'll be back! Plus they show UFC fights there for free! Well that's it for this blog, if your ever around the murrieta area, stop by and check out Bob's Pizza! Plus they have a little cool arcade area for the kids(and adults!)Peace!
We just got done eating at Bob's Pizza in Murrieta. I ordered a Chipotle chicken pizza. It was pretty damn good! That was our first time eating there, we'll be back! Plus they show UFC fights there for free! Well that's it for this blog, if your ever around the murrieta area, stop by and check out Bob's Pizza! Plus they have a little cool arcade area for the kids(and adults!)Peace!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sean Stussy paved the way for future up and coming designers. His designs go beyond the fabrics of his creation.. Stussy created a whole different world that was and still universal til this day.
"The land of the innovative..and weird"
"Music Sucks right now!!!!"
Whats going on with music these days? In my opinion, the music game has been watered down and diluted with poppy,mtv trl bull shit!!!! Music is never going to sound the same as it did back in the days and not even remotely close to the music in the 90's era. Music these days lacks that material which came from the artists hearts and minds. Now its just all about the same thing..
1. Makin money
2. Bitches and Hoes
3. The type of car you drive
4. The newest dance craze
5. Being in the club
Basically nothing that really matters, what happened to the good old days when music was all about making love or just having fun? I guess those days are fucking over! These days its all about trends! I see it everywhere, when im out running arrends or doing some shopping at the mall.. what do i see? Kids with tight ass multi-colored skinny jeans and bright colored t-shirts. Just like all the new music coming out right now, its just a fad.. its not going to last. Everybody has different taste in music and how they like to dress, but the new generation of up and coming artist's have nothing on the past! Some of the new stuff thats out is pretty good like KID CUDI,DRAKE,LMFAO,LIL WAYNE,NERD,THE COOL KIDS just to name a few artist's that i listen to.
"Music is an outburst of the Soul"
1. Makin money
2. Bitches and Hoes
3. The type of car you drive
4. The newest dance craze
5. Being in the club
Basically nothing that really matters, what happened to the good old days when music was all about making love or just having fun? I guess those days are fucking over! These days its all about trends! I see it everywhere, when im out running arrends or doing some shopping at the mall.. what do i see? Kids with tight ass multi-colored skinny jeans and bright colored t-shirts. Just like all the new music coming out right now, its just a fad.. its not going to last. Everybody has different taste in music and how they like to dress, but the new generation of up and coming artist's have nothing on the past! Some of the new stuff thats out is pretty good like KID CUDI,DRAKE,LMFAO,LIL WAYNE,NERD,THE COOL KIDS just to name a few artist's that i listen to.
"Music is an outburst of the Soul"
Sunday, November 8, 2009
"Dont follow the leader..be the one to lead!"

Theres just something special about this ek hatch that attracts me. Maybe the color scheme just compliments one another or maybe because this ek has a K20A2! When u look at this whip, you either love it or hate it! Its not for everbody.. but the owner of this ek is not everbody! Duy who resides in Australia is the proud owner of this "moon rock grey" civic. Much props Duy! Great Job!
To read more about Duys ek hatch go to www.tunerzine.com
"To Be or Not To Be?"

Wow what a long day .. work sucked as always but i gotta pay the bills ya digg? So whats the topic for tonight? Well me and the fam bam just got done playing UNO, that game is way fun when your playing with like four or five peeps! I guess tonight was a family game night ha ha! Speaking of UNO the first one to put all their cards down wins, you have to match the colors or numbers. Speaking of uno.. i think the number one MMA fighter in the world right now is Fedor Emelianenko most definitely. Last nights StrikeForce bout proved he is still a beast and its going to take someone great to beat him at his game!
Fedor beats Rogers in the second round with a devastating right hand knock out! ALL the fans watched and scratched their heads as Rogers hits the floor with his first lost, with his new record 10-1! "Ouch!"
All i really have to say is that Fedor is Badass!!!! To all you UFC fans dont forget to watch UFC 105 COUTURE VS. VERA
This match is scheduled for November 14 which airs on Spike tv for free!!!! Yes i said free bitch!!!! This fight should be interesting, i cant wait to see it.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
"Deja Vu"

And im not talking about the strip club you perverts!!!! Lol! Have you ever had deja vu? I swear i've seen a blog like twice on my own page. What is the meaning of a Deja Vu?
1. Psychology. The illusion of already experienced something actually being experienced for the first time.
a. An impression of having seen or experienced something before.
b. Dull familiarity
I've had a few deja vu experiences in my life time.. and im sure you have too! I thought to myself "didnt i just see this, earlier?" I wasnt sure if it was real or just a figment of my imagination. But whatever it was.. that shit was crazy!
Deja Vu touches on the whole question of forgetting a memory, as well as the question of true and false from the psychoanalytic point of view.
With that in mind, I have one question.. "Where the fuck is Waldo?"
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"Just laying here, thinking .."
Its 11:03pm.. Once again the ceiling fan is on,real comfy on my bed. I just walked downstairs to get a cup of water because apparently I can't go to sleep without drinking a cold icey cup of water! Sounds weird right? Well I'm sure we all have our weird habits before bed! At least I'm not sniffing crack before bed. Oh sorry I zoned out for a minute .. I'm watching Criminal Minds right now as I'm writing this blog. I love this show! My eyes are feeling heavy now, fuck back on my grind tomorrow! Its all good dude! Just like everbody else I got bills to pay.
"You may have a Heart of Gold, but even Gold gets old!"
"You may have a Heart of Gold, but even Gold gets old!"
"Just laying here, thinking .."
Its 11:03pm.. Once again the ceiling fan is on,real comfy on my bed. I just walked downstairs to get a cup of water because apparently I can't go to sleep without drinking a cold icey cup of water! Sounds weird right? Well I'm sure we all have our weird habits before bed! At least I'm not sniffing crack before bed. Oh sorry I zoned out for a minute .. I'm watching Criminal Minds right now as I'm writing this blog. I love this show! My eyes are feeling heavy now, fuck back on my grind tomorrow! Its all good dude! Just like everbody else I got bills to pay.
"You may have a Heart of Gold, but even Gold gets old!"
"You may have a Heart of Gold, but even Gold gets old!"
"My Hero"

"From the start ,i was here to win," Antonio said about his victory. "I wanted to bring something fresh to the network and live up to the design star title. I hope America will have fun with me on the ride."
The new show will premiere in january 2010. In the meantime, Antonio(who is known for his electic and sometimes edgy tastes) will appear in a one hour special called THE ANTONIO PROJECT. During the special Antonio will take the challenge of making his own house in just 5 DAYS before showing it off to his friends and family.
To see more cool stuff from Antonio go to hgtv.com
"Can i have an egg with that burger please?"

If you guys and gals dont know me by now .. you know that i love hamburgers! Hamburgers and hot dogs are the bomb diggy! If you dont like eating hamburgers or hot dogs .. then your really not living life! I can still remember the first time i ate an in-n-out burger .. i was like "wow!" After that my whole entire fricken life changed for the better. There's a lot of really great tasting burgers out there and i yet still have to try the very best! One thing i love about a hamburger is the way the meat is cooked and the way its seasoned. When i grill my burgers .. the only thing i like to season it with is a little bit of pepper and garlic salt and thats it! Sure you have your lettuce,tomatoes,onions,pickles,ketchup,mustard and cheese but your forgetting one crucial element in making this hamburger a truely delicious delight .. can you guess it? YES .. a fucken EGG!!!! MMMM MMMM MMMM!!!! An egg over easy .. the egg has to drip all over the burger once you take a bite into it. It feels like burger heaven kids! Im serious if you guys havent tryed an egg in your simple burger .. then i suggest you add it to your next order! Its like lunch and breakfast at the same time wowwwwwwwww!
With that i leave you with this quote : "Remember, people will judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold - but so does a hard boiled egg."
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
"A tribute to Graffiti"

Provacative,bold,appealing and very uncompromising. Graffiti which was originally used by gangs to mark their territory in some urban areas. Graffiti has now become an unrestricted of ideas and statements. Creative designers and artists across the globe use this form of art to deliver a message and also showcase their artwork.
- Above is a collection of beautiful and impressive Graffiti artwork done by the most prominent artist's around the world..so please enjoy..hopefully everybody will find some inspiration in some of the art showcased..

Have u ever seen that honda commercial where the guy is driving on this road..and it plays a song as he passes thru? Well that musical road is located in Lancaster California. This part of the roads surface has been equipped with grooves to produce a sound which bears a resemblance to the "William Tell Overture". It is one of the three musical roads in the world, the other two being in Japan and South Korea. The musical road is courtesy of Honda.
The musical road is now being closed due to the local residents complaints. The music was designed to sound good in the car, but what residents hear is different. To hear the musical road..just type up musical road on youtube.
-Jon B.
"The road which to travel.."

YO YO YO!!!! Whats up dooders???? Sorry.. i know what your saying right now.."Damn its about time this fool posts up something new!" Right? Righhhhhhhhht! Well your probably wondering hmmmmm.. whats this blog going to be about this time? Well basically our homie Jose Ceja is leaving to go to boot camp tomorrow morning for the navy. I met this guy like almost 6 years ago..he was kinda shy at first but i got him to open up real quick! We talked about what kind of music we listened to..what his situation was like at home and with his girlfriend at that time. Real cool cat, nice kid, he really had his head on his shoulders. So after awhile we created this friendship.. fast forward to the present time and this guy is off to see the world in the navy! Im proud of you man..if your reading this good luck with everything in life! I know im making it sound like that were not gonna see you again but its gonna be awhile..funny how life just speeds up all of the sudden!!!! All i have to say is that life is short..enjoy all of the simple things because its beautiful!
-Jon B.
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